• Product Description

    Can you guess the hidden phrase?

    Be the first to figure out the tricky answer depicted on the card and shout it out for the win.

    A rotating judge holds a card up so only they can see the answer. Everyone else tries to decode the phrase. Whoever figures out the phrase first wins the card. Test your brainteaser solving ability with word puzzles from this adult party game with answers that range from tame to adult. First to decode three cards wins!

  • Features
    • Crack the Code: Be the first to figure out the cleverly coded phrase on the card.
    • Guess the Hidden Phrase: A judge holds a card up so only they can see the answer.
    • Adult Brain Game: Get on the same wavelength.

How To Play Decodables

Decodables Party Game | How to Play
Decodables Party Game | How to Play
Get ready for some serious brain flexing with Decodables – the game where where you're rushing to be the first to decode the hidden phrase. A rotating judge holds up a card while the rest of the gang scrambles to crack the code.

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